Exotic Research Conference
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Conference Tapes
Miss the 1998 Exotic Research Conference in Mesa, Arizona? For those of you who were unable to attend the conference, we videotaped the entire conference. If you wish to contact the speakers directly, I would encourage you to become member of Exotic Research and get a copy of the Exotic Research Report. A list of speakers and contact numbers is in the July/August/September 1998 (V2N3)issue.
Exotic Research Lectures & Demonstrations

Medical Technology
600101 - Pam Golden - Light Therapy... It Really Works!
600102 - William S. Eidelman, MD - Chelation Therapy.. Modern Fountain of Youth
600103 - Dan Kunkel - Bio-Resonance Sound Therapy
600104 - Terry Hull - EEG Neurofeedback... Advanced Therapy for Optimum Health

Modern Health Hazards and Solutions
600105 - Anne Tracy, PhD - Prozac... Panacea or Pandora's Box?
600106 - Mary Nash Stoddard - Aspartame... A Deadly Sweetner
600107 - Dean Viktora - Hormonal Imbalance Survival for Mid-Age Men and Women
600108 - Paula Randal-Smith - Holes in Heaven... The HAARP Legacy

Implosion Technology
600109 - Sonne Ward - The Cosmic Cooler, LP-10 and Implosion

Advanced Energy Concepts
600110 - Brian David Andersen - Harmonic Elements and the Quantum Disk
600111 - Ron Kovac - Plasma Research Unveils "Missing Link" Element
600112 - Dan Davidson - Shape Power... Key to Unlock "Free Energy"/Antigravity
600113 - Ralph Suddath - TOP SECRET... German WWII Energy Research
600114 - Bruce Perreault - New Generation of Radiant Energy Devices
600115 - Calvin Bahlman - "Dunamis Kyklos"... the Power Wheel
600116 - Paul Pantone - The Incredible GEET Fuel Processor

An Exotic Mystery
600117 - Jim Dilettoso - The Mysterious Phoenix Lights

Advanced Technology Today
600118 - George Wiseman - Fuel Saving Technologies & other energy alternatives!
600119 - Dr. Nelson Camus - Cold Fusion... The NELTRON Way!!!
600120 - Rick Koskela - Tesla Pumps... for NASCAR Race Cars!
600127 - Paul Brown - Photo-Remediation of Nuclear Waste

Exotic Research Workshops

600121 - Bruce Perreault - Radiant Energy Hands-On Construction Workshop
600122 - Ralph Suddath - Plasma Steam Workshop
600123 - Paul Pantone - The Incredible World of GEET Technology Workshop

Conference Videotapes Sets

600124 - Complete Presentation Set - Great Buy!!!
600125 - Complete Workshop Set - Great Buy!!!
600126 - Complete Conference Set - Best Buy!!!

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